COVID-19 Update: The FCC Is Now Accepting Telemedicine Applications
The FCC has launched the $200M COVID-19 Telehealth program as part of the CARES Act, designed to enable health care providers to expand into telehealth services within their practice or facility. COVID-19 has brought a much-needed acceptance of telehealth to the medical industry, and this new application process is a welcomed opportunity for providers who want to venture into this technology-based way of medicine.
The Telehealth program is designed to release funds rapidly to eligible providers and includes a wide range of technologies. According to the FCC, they began accepting applications for those physicians and facilities who may want to expand into telehealth and remote patient monitoring technologies on April 13, 2020. For those physicians interested in applying please click here. For more information on this story, please visit the American Telehealth Association website.
For more information on how TeleSpecialists can help with your neurology services during this time, visit our services page.