DeSoto Memorial TeleStroke Case Study
DeSoto Memorial Hospital is a 49-bed rural hospital located in Arcadia, Florida
and is the only hospital serving DeSoto County.
DeSoto Memorial’s goal was to provide stroke services so that patients would
not have to leave their community for care in other hospitals. With this in
mind, DeSoto contracted with us, TeleSpecialists, who provided TeleStroke and
TeleNeurology services.
DeSoto implemented certain best practices to assure optimal Door-to-Needle (DTN) times, which included:
- “Pit Stop” prior to imaging to gather information and patient specific data (weight, vital signs, and blood clucose)
- Telemedicine cart to CT for quicker assessment by neurologist
- Nurse activated stroke alerts
- Implementation of e-Alerts for more efficient notification of stroke alerts
- Nurse mixing and administration of thrombolytic
- Mock codes and stroke alert debriefs with staff members
- Conversion to Tenecteplase (one IV push – no pump needed)
- Attention to metrics and rapid cycle improvement
In addition, the stroke leader provided one to one training for traveling RNs to assure consistency of patient care with the DeSoto stroke process.