Remote Neurologist and Psychiatrist Careers
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Once your CV is submitted, our Recruiting team will reach out to have a phone call to discuss what TeleSpecialists has to offer.
If both parties are interested in moving forward, an interview will be set up with our Partners, Recruiting team and Chief Medical Officer.
A contract is offered to the physician and signed by all parties.
TeleSpecialists conducts an extensive internal credentialing process and training begins.
“There are many reasons I enjoy working at TeleSpecialists, but I think the most important one is that I always feel like my voice is heard. Whether it’s pointing out ways to make positive changes in patient care, the ability to pursue research or education ideas, I have always felt supported working here. Being heard is powerful, as it gives the ability to create change and leads to a very fulfilling career.”
“I’m working when I’m supposed to be working, I’m making good money when I’m working and then when I’m off, I’m off. My time is my own. Before TeleSpecialists I was a private neurologist but also doing some hospital work – I never felt like I was done with what I had to do.”
Interested in a telehealth career with the Telemedicine Specialistsâ„¢? Contact our team at [email protected] to learn more.